MONOLOC Project Workshop Documentation (November 2014 ): Archivo: Workshop 25_11_14 MONOLOC_Workshop_(25th_November_2014).rar
Published in XXVIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio URSI 2013 Articulo: Diseño Integrado de Redes Auto-Organizadas LTE/LTE-A y Posicionamiento en Interiores
Autores: S. Fortes, A. Aguilar, R. Barco, F. Barba, J.A. Fernández-Luque, A. Fernández Durán.
Universidad de Málaga. Ingeniería de Comunicaciones (IC), Alcatel-Lucent.
Página 101
Bell Labs Technical Journal, Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Edición Especial: Next-Generation Wireless Technologies
September 2013, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 1–287.
“Wireless Indoor Positioning: Effective Deployment of Cells and Auto-Calibration” (pages 213–235)
Félix Barba Barba, Aaron Garrido Martin and Alfonso Fernández-Durán
Primera Publicación Online: 28 AUG 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/bltj.21614
Bell Labs Technical Journal, Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Edición Especial: Next-Generation Wireless Technologies
September 2013, Volume 18, Issue 2, Pages 1–287.
“Enhanced In-Building Fingerprint Positioning Using Femtocell Networks” (pages 195–211)
Mariano Molina-García, Jaime Calle-Sánchez, José I. Alonso, Alfonso Fernández-Durán and Félix Barba Barba
Primera Publicación Online: 28 AUG 2013 | DOI: 10.1002/bltj.21613
Study and selection of propagation models for indoor positioning using fingerprint techniques in femtocell networks Autores: Mariano Molina García, Jaime Calle-Sanchez, Carlos Gonzalez-Merino, Alfonso Fernandez-Duran, Jose Ignacio Alonso Montes.
Tipo de documento: Presentation
Congreso: XXVII National Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science URSI 2012
Publicación: Symposium Proceedings, Session VII, Mobile and Wireless Communications II: Indoors Communication and Femtocells
Lugar de Celebración: Elche, Alicante
Data: September 12-14, 2012
Evolutive Algorithm with Estimation of Multipass Figure of Merit with Optimization of Femtocell Deployment
Autores: Mariano Molina García, Jaime Calle-Sánchez, Alfonso Fernández Durán, José Ignacio Alonso Montes.
Tipo de documento: Presentation
Congreso: XXVII National Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science URSI 2012
Publicación: Symposium Proceedings, Session VII, Mobile and Wireless Communications IV: Cellular Systems.
Lugar de Celebración: Elche, Alicante
Data: September 12-14, 2012
Novel Genetic Algorithm for Computer-Aided Optimization of Multi-Femtocell Deployments Autores: Mariano Molina García, Jaime Calle-Sánchez, Alfonso Fernández Durán, José Ignacio Alonso Montes.
Tipo de documento: Presentation
Congreso: 2012 19th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP)
Publicación: Proceedings.(pp. 275 - 278). Session: EWT, Emerging Wireless Techniques, IEEE catalog number CFP1255E-CDR, ISBN 978-3-200-02588-2
Lugar de Celebración: Vienna, Austria
Data: September 11-13 April, 2012
Suitability of Indoor Propagation Models for Fingerprint Based Positioning in Femtocell Networks
Autores: Jaime Calle Sánchez, Mariano Molina García, José Ignacio Alonso Montes, Alfonso Fernández Durán.
Tipo de documento: Presentation
Congreso: European Microwave Week 2012, EuMC 2012: Advances in Wireless Technologies for MIMO
Publicación: Conference Proceedings, page 152 – 155.
Lugar de Celebración: Amsterdam - RAI, Holland
Data: 28 October – 2 November, 2012